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I created one table and populated it with the data. All fields are varchar datatype. When I do a "select * from the table(XYZ)" it is showing all the records but when I put a filter condition in the where clause - e.g. "SELECT * FROM XYZ WHERE FIELD='abcde' - then its not showing any data. The 'abcde' is varchar data type as I said in the begining.

Can anybody help me in this regards. Thanks in advance. If any more information is required then please let me know.

asked 11 Jan '13, 01:12

Pramod's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Jan '13, 09:09

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Please provide the sybase SQLA version number, the table definition and if possible an execution plan

(11 Jan '13, 02:56) Martin

Some additional information is going to be needed in order for us to help you:

  • version and and build number of the software you are using

  • how did you create your database - give us the exact dbinit command line options

  • an example table declaration and data that you have used would be helpful - i.e. a way to repro the issue.

(11 Jan '13, 09:12) Mark Culp

You may have a case-sensitive database or non-printable characters in the column. Try "WHERE LOWER(field)='abcde'" or "WHERE field LIKE '%abcde%'.

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answered 11 Jan '13, 05:11

Hartmut%20Branz's gravatar image

Hartmut Branz
accept rate: 0%

trailing spaces can cause confusion - TRIM() can help.

(11 Jan '13, 08:24) Justin Willey
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question asked: 11 Jan '13, 01:12

question was seen: 1,727 times

last updated: 11 Jan '13, 09:12