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I'm having some kind of deja vu w.r.t. this FAQ, which related to

Why doesn't the Update Service show the newest EBF?

Some monthes and EBFs on WinX86 further:

  • the box has currently installed:
  • the update service hints at EBF:
  • the latest released EBF (from 16 Nov 2012):

So I would like to know why the update service doesn't hint at the newest EBF.
What's the logic behind the decision when to present the really newest EBF?

(Don't get me wrong, I don't blame the current behaviour and surely could understand that the service might use some kind of "delay" before it announces "brand new EBFs" - but a 14 days delay seems rather long...)

asked 30 Nov '12, 04:29

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 30 Nov '12, 04:32

Hi Volker,

My apologies on the oversight. Occasionally something gets missed. Unfortunately there is a delay between several processes that need to take place to make something live on the Update Service.

Last night 12.0.1 3817 for Windows was posted. It has been updated in the Update Service.

Sorry but thank you for pointing it out.


permanent link

answered 30 Nov '12, 12:35

Jason%20Noack's gravatar image

Jason Noack
accept rate: 69%


Now, that's fast - and yes, the new EBF is shown as expected:) Thanks!

(30 Nov '12, 12:53) Volker Barth
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question asked: 30 Nov '12, 04:29

question was seen: 1,811 times

last updated: 30 Nov '12, 12:53