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i have to make HTTPS Synchronization with all Android ,Blackberry and iPhone.

i got the first two to work thanks to this tutorial here ,now i'm still stuck with iPhone and can't handle properly the communication between the device and Mobilink server ,i'm using createcert to get my certificates (it does work as a charm with both Android and Blackberry)

an example or a hint would be appreciated,thanks in advance.

(sorry for my english)

asked 08 Nov '12, 12:17

pacificateur's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Thank you very much re-compiling was the answer.

have a nice day.

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answered 23 Nov '12, 04:10

pacificateur's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 23 Nov '12, 04:13

Which build of UltraLite are you using? Where is your MobiLink server located - is it on a Mac OS machine also, or is it on another OS (Windows / Linux?)

If you're only seeing handshake errors at this point, I suspect you may be running into CR #703801, fixed in

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answered 08 Nov '12, 12:26

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

  • Build

  • my MobiLink server is local for test purpose but when i get it to work i test on the remote one.

  • yes on a Mac OS machine.

  • yes its a Handshake error.

i'm going to update Sybase central tomorow and let you know ,thank you.

(08 Nov '12, 12:38) pacificateur

My Build now is and still experiencing the same handshake problem.

my stream params are : @"host=;port=443;trusted_certificates=rsa_cert.pem;"

rsa_cert.pem is visible on the project build phases ,my Mobilink server is on windows but i'm developing in a Mac OS machine.

(iOS 6.0 tested on both simulator and device)

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answered 09 Nov '12, 04:06

pacificateur's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 09 Nov '12, 04:40


My Build now is

Did you re-compile the UltraLite libraries for this new version?

my Mobilink server is on windows

What happens if you move the MobiLink server to Mac OS, just for a quick test? Which OS did you run the createcert utility on?

(13 Nov '12, 15:36) Jeff Albion
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question asked: 08 Nov '12, 12:17

question was seen: 2,549 times

last updated: 23 Nov '12, 04:13