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Related to Mobilink, I need a recursive SELECT on one of the synchronized tables. This SELECT is unique for that table so I want to avoid creating a separate stored procedure.

This works:

WITH RECURSIVE CompanyId(Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id) AS
        --Initial SELECT Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id
        --Recursive SELECT Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id
SELECT --Synchronized columns
FROM "DBA"."Company"
WHERE Company_id IN (SELECT Company_Id FROM CompanyId)

This also defines the whole download_cursor script as user-defined, which gives me a lot of hassle when the database schema changes.

To let the designer (and the magic behind) be the master of the column mappings I tried a second approach, instead of having the whole download_cursor as a user-defined event I created a new model and chose to define the subset as a WHERE condition. However, I cannot get my recursive query to run inside a WHERE clause. I've had two different attempts so far...

This did not work:

SELECT --Synchronized columns
FROM "DBA"."Company"
WHERE Company_id IN 
    WITH RECURSIVE CompanyId(Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id) AS
            --Initial SELECT Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id
        UNION ALL
            --Recursive SELECT Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id
    ) SELECT Company_Id FROM CompanyId
--Error during Prepare
--37000(-131)[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Syntax error near 'WITH' on line 5

Neither did this:

SELECT --Synchronized columns
FROM "DBA"."Company"
WHERE Company_id IN 
    SELECT Company_Id FROM
        WITH RECURSIVE CompanyId(Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id) AS
            --Initial SELECT Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id
            UNION ALL
                --Recursive SELECT Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id
        ) SELECT Company_Id FROM CompanyId
--Error during Prepare
--37000(-131)[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Syntax error near ')' on line 18

Any tips on how I can use WITH RECURSIVE inside a WHERE clause ?

asked 12 Oct '12, 04:37

OskarEmil's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 12 Oct '12, 09:37

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey

The second query you provide will not work with the IN list predicate. This predicate requires that a list of literals or a query-expression by provided. A query-expression cannot contain a select preceded with table expressions.

query-expression - A query expression can be a SELECT, UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT block (that is, a statement that does not contain an ORDER BY, WITH, FOR, FOR XML, or OPTION clause), or any combination of such blocks.

C.f. Common elements in SQL syntax

However, the third query can work with a change. The SELECT inside the IN predicate, but outside the recursive view is missing a alias, and hence reporting a syntax error. Changing it to the following should allow the query to execute:

SELECT --Synchronized columns
FROM "DBA"."Company"
WHERE Company_id IN 
    SELECT Company_Id FROM
        WITH RECURSIVE CompanyId(Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id) AS
                --Initial SELECT Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id
            UNION ALL
                --Recursive SELECT Company_Id, Parent_Company_Id
        ) SELECT Company_Id FROM CompanyId
    ) AS some_alias_name -- Add an alias name here
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answered 12 Oct '12, 11:42

Tyson%20Lewis's gravatar image

Tyson Lewis
accept rate: 22%

Thanks, saved my day =)

(15 Oct '12, 04:52) OskarEmil

The WITH clause has to be at the start of the SELECT clause, even if you refer to it in a subquery. Cf. the docs on SELECT.

Note: That's just a remark to the syntax, it's no comment on the query semantics.

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answered 12 Oct '12, 05:33

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

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question asked: 12 Oct '12, 04:37

question was seen: 3,089 times

last updated: 15 Oct '12, 04:52