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What is the recommended practice for moving or syncing calendar data in an SQL Anywhere database to Outlook or Exchange? I can successfully take a record with date information and turn it into an ICS file that opens correctly in Outlook, but I am looking for something a bit more powerful, hopefully with some kind of sync (at least one way) for a whole calendar of events from the database into a user's Outlook or Exchange database.

Is anyone doing this already or does anyone have any leads for software that does that?

asked 07 Aug '12, 16:39

Siger%20Matt's gravatar image

Siger Matt
accept rate: 15%

retagged 24 Sep '12, 07:40

Daz%20Liquid's gravatar image

Daz Liquid

Check Development technologies for Exchange it provides starting points for evaluating different means to access the Exchange data. Also Create EWS and web service solutions for Exchange 2013 might be of interest.

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answered 08 Aug '12, 03:24

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

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answered 04 Sep '12, 07:50

GConnect's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 07 Aug '12, 16:39

question was seen: 1,971 times

last updated: 24 Sep '12, 07:40

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