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I upgraded from 9.02 to Sql Anywhere vs and now I am having problems with a proxy table linked into an IBM mainframe using DB2 database. Not sure what version the database is but this is the ODBC driver I am using. “IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER” version from 2005.

I have a sp that creates a cursor of recent updated rows in a table and then checks to see if the PK is in the DB2 database an either updates exiting row or inserts a new one. The problem is some times one column of an inserted row is empty in the DB2 db and other times some of the rows are not inserted at all. If I change the lastchange date to now() on the rows in question and then run again, all is fine. This SP has been running for almost 9 years without problem until I updated to v11. Not sure where to even look at this problem.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

asked 08 Jun '12, 17:02

jimboidaho's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can use ODBC tracing to trace the SQL sent to the DB2 server to verify that each INSERT or UPDATE statement contains the values you expect.

If by empty you mean "empty string", there has been an issue with empty strings and proxy tables that was fixed in 11.0.1. You might try upgrading to 11.0.1, latest EBF, to see if that solves your issue. You're not going to get an EBF of 11.0.0 in any event, since 11.0.1 is the only version 11 release being actively maintained by Engineering.

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answered 08 Jun '12, 17:43

Glenn%20Paulley's gravatar image

Glenn Paulley
accept rate: 43%

Thanks. I will give it a try.

(08 Jun '12, 18:00) jimboidaho
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question asked: 08 Jun '12, 17:02

question was seen: 3,112 times

last updated: 08 Jun '12, 18:00