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 Civic Duty Voted 15 times

59 The users have been awarded with badges:

Breck Carter32.5k5417271050 × 1

Jason Hinspe...2.7k63447 × 1

Reimer Pods4.5k384891 × 1

Phil Mitchell1.9k1831 × 1

Tom Slee1.3k21629 × 1

Jeff Gibson2.0k466676 × 1

Volker Barth40.5k365556827 × 1

Leonid Gvirtz2964815 × 1

Margaret Kam...3316819 × 1

Nick Brooks668212537 × 1

Reg Domaratzki7.9k343119 × 1

robert853475468 × 1

John Smirnios12.0k396166 × 1

Frank Vestjens1.3k384866 × 1

Jeff Albion10.8k171175 × 1

Dan Konigsbach455101220 × 1

Elmi Eflov8061114 × 1

Tyson Lewis2.2k1641 × 1

Ian McHardy3.4k23557 × 1

ASchild777222740 × 1

Graham Hurst2.7k11843 × 1

Laura Nevin1.1k2713 × 1

Robert291348 × 1

zippidydo377151521 × 1

Daniil Golod111 × 1

PhilippeBert...1.8k42139 × 1

RussC_FromSAP1.3k11030 × 1

Tim McClements2.0k1830 × 1

henginy406151827 × 1

Glenn Barber1.1k274456 × 1

AlexeyK7770761224 × 1

Arthoor1.4k355267 × 1

Bill Frier515914 × 1

dejstone959405069 × 1

RADicalSYS33191530 × 1

Chris Keating8.0k50131 × 1

William Clardy6115 × 1

Valdas381161929 × 1

Derli Marcochi1.6k323877 × 1

Ron Emmert33651118 × 1

Alex1.1k274756 × 1

J Diaz1.2k424968 × 1

svelkar111 × 1

tzup360121526 × 1

Vlad2.5k91127 × 1

DRauber226121521 × 1

Ilia631.2k545982 × 1

TonyV1.2k333967 × 1

LGregianin27661320 × 1

Walmir Taques690374151 × 1

nico41236 × 1

Mikel Rychliski2.1k1641 × 1

rsnyder436121429 × 1

Rolle558495161 × 1

robertwigley266111321 × 1

Volker DB-TecKy5453715 × 1

gchq461293442 × 1

Baron2.2k144153181 × 1

tedfroehlich40571124 × 1