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We run a database using SQL Anywhere 17.0.4 accessing it through the .NET Data Provider Sap.Data.SQLAnywhere for .NET 4.5.
We want to use the interface asynchronously using the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern.
According to the documentation it seems that this is implemented only partly by SAP (SQL Anywhere ).

Blocking Async Method

The SACommand class provides the ExecuteReaderAsync() method (Available in downloaded documentation only). This method is the only one that is available as Async, but it behaves synchron, that is, it is blocking and returning an already finished task.

Unavailable BugFix

Additionally, we found the following Bug Fix Readme (for SQLANy 12), that descibes the Async Programming and also give examples, but most of the methods are not available in the assembly mentioned above:
BugFix (Search for: Engineering Case #713388)

Support for the latest release of .NET Framework, .NET 4.5, has now been 
added. The following features are new in the .NET Framework 4.5 RC:
1. Asynchronous Programming
The new asynchronous programming feature provides a simple technique to 
make code asynchronous.
Calling an async method does not allocate any additional threads. It may 
use the existing I/O completion thread briefly at the end.
The following methods were added in SQL Anywhere ADO.NET provider to support 
asynchronous programming:


Here are some examples:


As a workaround, we implemented the following, but this leads to sporadic exceptions, we are currently investigating:

public async Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryAsync(DbCommand command, DbTransaction transaction)
    return await Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(command.BeginExecuteNonQuery, command.EndExecuteNonQuery, null).ConfigureAwait(false);


  • Does anybody using the asynch method(s) of the API ?
  • Is there another assembly available for SQLAny 17 that provides the full async API as described in the Bug Fix of SQLAny 12 ?
  • Does anybody know, why there is only the ExecuteReader method available and documented as Async ?
  • Is it a bug or as designed that the ExecuteReaderAsync() method is blocking ?
  • Does anybody know about any plans to make the full Asynch API available ?

Thanks for any comments or hints.

asked 27 Jul '16, 08:48

MartinM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Additional documentation on Asynchronous Programming can be found here:

Below are some async examples from Microsoft adapted for SQL Anywhere's .NET data provider. You can build this into a .NET project and run it. Hope this will help.

// [Program.cs]
// Copyright (c) 2016 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace AsyncTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

        static void Test()
            AsyncTest[] tests = { new TestSA1(), new TestSA2(), new TestSA3(), new TestSA4(), 
                                  new TestSA5(), new TestSA6(), new TestSA7(), new TestSA8(), 
                                  new TestSA9() };

            foreach (var test in tests)

                while (!test.Completed)


            if (AsyncTest.Failures > 0)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} test failures", AsyncTest.Failures));
                Console.WriteLine("No test failures!");

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to end"); 

// [AsyncTest.cs]
// Copyright (c) 2017 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.Odbc;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Transactions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Sap.Data.SQLAnywhere;

namespace AsyncTest
    internal class Utility
        public const string Provider = "Sap.Data.SQLAnywhere";
        public const string ConnStrSA1 = "DSN=SQL Anywhere 17 Demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql";
        public const string ConnStrSA2 = "UID=DBA;PWD=sql";

    internal abstract class AsyncTest
        private static int _count = 0;
        public static int Failures = 0;

        public bool Completed { get; set; }

        public async void Run()
            Completed = false;

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Running test {0}......", _count));

                await Execute();

                if (!UseCallback())
            catch (Exception ex)

            Completed = true;

        protected void Passed()
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Test {0} passed...", _count));

        protected void Failed(Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Test {0} failed - {1}", _count, ex.Message));

        protected virtual bool UseCallback()
            return false;

        internal abstract Task Execute();

    class TestSA1 : AsyncTest
        internal override async Task Execute()
            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                SACommand command = new SACommand("select 1", conn);
                int result = MethodAsync(conn, command).Result;
                command = new SACommand("select top 10 * from SalesOrders", conn);
                using (DbDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", reader[0]));

        private async Task<int> MethodAsync(SAConnection conn, SACommand cmd)
            await conn.OpenAsync();
            await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
            return 1;

    class TestSA2 : AsyncTest
        internal override async Task Execute()
            AsyncCallback productList = new AsyncCallback(Callback);
            SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1);
            await conn.OpenAsync().ContinueWith((task) =>
                SACommand cmd = new SACommand("SELECT TOP 2 * FROM SalesOrders", conn);
                IAsyncResult ia = cmd.BeginExecuteReader(Callback, cmd);
            }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);

        protected override bool UseCallback()
            return true;

        void Callback(IAsyncResult result)
            if (result.IsCompleted)
                SACommand cmd = result.AsyncState as SACommand;
                var reader = cmd.EndExecuteReader(result);

                while (reader.Read())
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}", reader[0]));

                Completed = true;

    class TestSA3 : AsyncTest
        internal override async Task Execute()
            await PerformDBOperationsUsingProviderModel(Utility.ConnStrSA1, Utility.Provider);

        private async Task PerformDBOperationsUsingProviderModel(string connectionString, string providerName)
            DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName);
            using (DbConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection())
                connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
                await connection.OpenAsync();
                DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 2 * FROM Customers";
                using (DbDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    while (await reader.ReadAsync())
                        for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                            object obj = await reader.GetFieldValueAsync<object>(i);

    class TestSA4 : AsyncTest
        internal override async Task Execute()
            await ExecuteSqlTransaction();

        private async Task ExecuteSqlTransaction()
            using (SAConnection connection = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await connection.OpenAsync();
                SACommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
                SATransaction transaction = null;
                transaction = await Task.Run<SATransaction>(() => connection.BeginTransaction());
                command.Connection = connection;
                command.Transaction = transaction;
                command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Departments WHERE (DepartmentID = 777 OR DepartmentID = 888)";
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Departments(DepartmentID, DepartmentName) VALUES (777, 'HR')";
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Departments(DepartmentID, DepartmentName) VALUES (888, 'Supporting')";
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                await Task.Run(() => transaction.Commit());
                Console.WriteLine("Both records are written to database.");

    class TestSA5 : AsyncTest
        internal override async Task Execute()
            await ExecuteDistributedTransaction();

        private async Task ExecuteDistributedTransaction()
            using (SAConnection connection = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await connection.OpenAsync();
                SACommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Departments WHERE (DepartmentID = 777 OR DepartmentID = 888)";
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

            using (SAConnection connection1 = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
            using (SAConnection connection2 = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA2))
                using (CommittableTransaction transaction = new CommittableTransaction())
                    await connection1.OpenAsync();
                    await connection2.OpenAsync();

                    SACommand command1 = connection1.CreateCommand();
                    command1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Departments(DepartmentID, DepartmentName) VALUES (777, 'HR')";
                    await command1.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                    SACommand command2 = connection2.CreateCommand();
                    command2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Departments(DepartmentID, DepartmentName) VALUES (888, 'Supporting')";
                    await command2.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                    Console.WriteLine("Both records are written to database.");

    class TestSA6 : AsyncTest
        internal override async Task Execute() 
            CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // give up after 2 seconds 
                await CancellingAsynchronousOperations( source.Token );
            catch (AggregateException exAggr)
            catch (Exception ex)

        private bool CheckException(Exception ex)
            if (ex.Message.Equals("Statement interrupted by user"))
                Console.WriteLine("Operation canceled");
                return true;

            throw ex;

        private async Task CancellingAsynchronousOperations(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (SAConnection connection = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await connection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken);
                SACommand command = new SACommand("WAITFOR DELAY '00:10:00'", connection);
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken);

    class TestSA7 : AsyncTest
        internal override async Task Execute()
            await MultipleCommands(); 

        private async Task MultipleCommands() 
            string sqlDept = "SELECT * FROM Departments";
            string sqlEmployee = "SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE DepartmentID = {0}";

            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1)) 
                await conn.OpenAsync();

                SACommand cmdDept = new SACommand(sqlDept, conn); 
                SACommand cmdEmployee = new SACommand(sqlEmployee, conn);

                using (SADataReader readerDept = await cmdDept.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    while (await readerDept.ReadAsync() && !await readerDept.IsDBNullAsync(0))
                        Console.WriteLine("Department {0} employees", readerDept["DepartmentName"]);
                        cmdEmployee.CommandText = string.Format(sqlEmployee, readerDept[0]);
                        using (SADataReader readerEmployee = await cmdEmployee.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                            while (await readerEmployee.ReadAsync())
                                Console.WriteLine("    {0} {1}", readerEmployee["GivenName"], readerEmployee["Surname"]);

    class TestSA8 : AsyncTest
        internal override async Task Execute()
            await ReadingAndUpdatingData();

        private async Task ReadingAndUpdatingData()
            string sqlDept = "SELECT * FROM Departments WHERE DepartmentHeadID IS NULL";
            string sqlEmployee = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Employees";
            string sqlUpdate = "UPDATE Departments SET DepartmentHeadID = {0} WHERE DepartmentID = {1}";

            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                int totalRecordsUpdated = 0;
                SATransaction trans = await Task.Run(() => conn.BeginTransaction());
                SACommand cmdDept = new SACommand(sqlDept, conn, trans);
                SACommand cmdEmployee = new SACommand(sqlEmployee, conn, trans);
                SACommand cmdUpdate = new SACommand(sqlUpdate, conn, trans);

                using (SADataReader readerDept = await cmdDept.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    while (await readerDept.ReadAsync())
                        using (SADataReader readerEmployee = await cmdEmployee.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                            await readerEmployee.ReadAsync();
                            cmdUpdate.CommandText = string.Format(sqlUpdate, readerEmployee["EmployeeID"], readerDept["DepartmentID"]);
                            totalRecordsUpdated += await cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                Console.WriteLine("Total Records Updated: " + totalRecordsUpdated);
                await Task.Run(() => trans.Rollback());
                Console.WriteLine("Transaction Rolled Back");

    class TestSA9 : AsyncTest
        static string destTable = "DepartmentsDest";
        static string selStmt = "SELECT * FROM Departments";
        static string dropDestTableStmt = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DepartmentsDest";
        static string createDestTableStmt = "CREATE TABLE DepartmentsDest ( DepartmentID int NOT NULL, DepartmentName char(80) NOT NULL, DepartmentHeadID int )";

        internal override async Task Execute()

            await AsyncSqlBulkCopy();

            await MixSyncAsyncSqlBulkCopy();

            await AsyncSqlBulkCopyNotifyAfter();

            await AsyncSqlBulkCopyDataRows();

            // await AsyncSqlBulkCopyCancel();

            await AsyncSqlBulkCopyMARS();

        private async void CreateDestTable()
            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                SACommand cmd = new SACommand(dropDestTableStmt, conn);
                await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
                cmd.CommandText = createDestTableStmt;
                await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

        // Synchronous bulk copy in .NET 4.5 private 
        private void SynchronousSqlBulkCopy()
            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                using (SACommand cmd = new SACommand(selStmt, conn))
                    SADataAdapter adapter = new SADataAdapter(cmd);
                    using (SABulkCopy bcp = new SABulkCopy(conn))
                        bcp.DestinationTableName = destTable; 

        // Asynchrounous bulk copy in .NET 4.5 
        private async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopy()
            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                using (SACommand cmd = new SACommand(selStmt, conn))
                    SADataAdapter adapter = new SADataAdapter(cmd);
                    using (SABulkCopy bcp = new SABulkCopy(conn))
                        bcp.DestinationTableName = destTable; 
                        await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(dt);

        // Add new Async.NET capabilities in an existing application (Mixing synchronous and asynchornous calls) 
        private async Task MixSyncAsyncSqlBulkCopy()
            using (SAConnection conn1 = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                using (SACommand cmd = new SACommand(selStmt, conn1))
                    using (SADataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        using (SAConnection conn2 = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA2))
                            await conn2.OpenAsync(); 
                            using (SABulkCopy bcp = new SABulkCopy(conn2))
                                bcp.DestinationTableName = destTable;
                                await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(reader);

        // Using the NotifyAfter property 
        private async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopyNotifyAfter()
            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                using (SACommand cmd = new SACommand(selStmt, conn))
                    SADataAdapter adapter = new SADataAdapter(cmd);
                    using (SABulkCopy bcp = new SABulkCopy(conn))
                        bcp.DestinationTableName = destTable;
                        bcp.NotifyAfter = 1; 
                        bcp.SARowsCopied += new SARowsCopiedEventHandler(OnSqlRowsCopied);
                        await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(dt);

        private static void OnSqlRowsCopied(object sender, SARowsCopiedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Copied {0} so far...", e.RowsCopied);

        // Using the new SABulkCopy Async.NET capabilities with DataRow[] 
        private async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopyDataRows()
            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                using (SACommand cmd = new SACommand(selStmt, conn))
                    SADataAdapter adapter = new SADataAdapter(cmd);
                    DataRow[] rows = dt.Select();
                    using (SABulkCopy bcp = new SABulkCopy(conn))
                        bcp.DestinationTableName = destTable;
                        await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(rows);

        // Using Async.Net and MARS 
        private async Task AsyncSqlBulkCopyMARS()
            using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA1))
                await conn.OpenAsync();
                SACommand cmdCustomer = new SACommand("SELECT * FROM Customers", conn);
                SACommand cmdDept = new SACommand(selStmt, conn);
                using (SADataReader readerCustomer = await cmdCustomer.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                using (SADataReader readerDept = await cmdDept.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    await readerDept.ReadAsync();
                    using (SAConnection destConn = new SAConnection(Utility.ConnStrSA2))
                        await destConn.OpenAsync();
                        using (SABulkCopy bcp = new SABulkCopy(destConn))
                            bcp.DestinationTableName = destTable;
                            await bcp.WriteToServerAsync(readerDept);
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answered 28 Jul '16, 12:00

JBSchueler's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

A couple of corrections. Maybe this will help clarify the question better.

The "BugFix" is not "Unavailable": It was never a 'bug fix' but was a New Feature, the Added support for ADO.NET 4.5 which was new to version 16 {with a stealth release backported to a version 12 EBF}. As such I would not soley rely upon the version 12 docs for that ... at least stick with version 16 and/or 17 for that purpose.

As to your comment most of the methods are not available: That may not be factual. For reasons I may not be able to articulate correctly not all of the SA* Ado.Net classes were documented. This is true for SADataReader as well as SABulkCopy. Those two were not spelled out in the documentation (neither DCX nor the Online 'html' verions). That could be because they implement the fully interfaces (DbDataReader for example) and the V4.5 assembly/provider is required to implement those Async methods.

DCX has had a minimalistic approach to some APIs (and for ADO.Net in particular) that tends to frustrate the developer a bit. This changes in version 17. For APIs there is a separate "Welcome to the SAP SQL Anywhere API Reference" doc set (that is also installable) and that provides a more complete reference and I would recommend reference that for most of your questions. Some methods are still MiA there as well (checking on that part as well) but at least all the clases seem to be there.

So far that seems to cover all of your MiAs (?unless I missed one?) and given you don't report any 'method( ) not implemented' types of errors or exceptions I believe that assumption was false.

At this point I will leave open the questions about others' experiences ... as too, the workaround part for others to respond to (or at least until some time later after some other dialoguing about your blocking).

So, can we get back to your original blocking behaviour more maybe? next? I would also suggest working with Product Support if there seems to be something broken still there.

permanent link

answered 27 Jul '16, 12:05

Nick%20Elson%20SAP%20SQL%20Anywhere's gravatar image

Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

edited 27 Jul '16, 12:25

For example:

There are 4 overloaded versions of the ExecuteReaderAsync() method. Depending upon which and what your are supplying to that call you could be unintentionally specifying a CommandBehavior which can cause the behavior to change.

Much could depend upon the code, specific call, parameters, query and possibly what is happening on the server side, so a few more details may be required to understand what you are hitting.

(27 Jul '16, 12:37) Nick Elson S...

> DCX has had a minimalistic approach ... that tends to frustrate the developer a bit.

Ha! have such a way with words.

IMO until a feature is described and explained, it does not exist.

So it's not a stretch to say you have created this feature :)

(29 Jul '16, 03:42) Breck Carter

Regarding 'Blocking Async calls':

The following simple code clearly demonstrates, that the call ExecuteNonQueryAsync() is blocking.
Just build this into a simple command line executable and reproduce the behavior.
The console output shows that the call takes 10 seconds as stated in the SQL statement.
.(The points in the first column are just to keep the formatting)
.public async Task TestAsyncExecution()
. using (SAConnection conn = new SAConnection("DSN=SQL Anywhere 17 Demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql"))
. {
. using (SACommand command = new SACommand("WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'", conn))
. {
. await conn.OpenAsync();
. var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
. stopWatch.Start();
. Task resultTask = command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
. Console.WriteLine("starting async command took: " + stopWatch.Elapsed);
. await resultTask;
. Console.WriteLine("finishing async command took: " + stopWatch.Elapsed);
. }
. }

Console Output:
starting async command took: 00:00:10.0017380
finishing async command took: 00:00:10.0026518

(04 Aug '16, 08:04) MartinM

This is what I currently know about this.

The API methods need to be there to complete the interfaces for .Net 4.5. The implementation may or may not be asynchronous though and are not so as you have already determined.

I don't see any implementation guidelines for this from Microsoft; except what can be gleened from the API specification (for example: the DbCommand.ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync Method ) and it appears the default behaviour can be synchronous.

I've seen a similar implementation history with ODBC drivers. Microsoft's ODBC specification includes support for asynchronous ODBC API functions, but I am only aware of one ODBC driver implementation (MS SQL) with support for that. Adding that adds significant complexity it the drivers, requiring an additional threaded layer and management when it is easy enough to have extra threads inside the application.

I believe that is true for all of our APIs including the .Net provider.


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answered 12 Aug '16, 16:19

Nick%20Elson%20SAP%20SQL%20Anywhere's gravatar image

Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

edited 12 Aug '16, 16:24

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question asked: 27 Jul '16, 08:48

question was seen: 4,806 times

last updated: 12 Aug '16, 16:24